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Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.




Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.
A-level ART project showing mixed media experimentations on a topic 'Laces, knots'

A-level ART project showing mixed media experimentations on a topic 'Laces, knots'

This is an examples of photographs of a sketchbook of an A* Art coursework project for an A2 student, who looked at experimental surfaces and textures to develop an exciting unique outcome. This was based on her nature photographs and showed a number of different layering techniques. The final piece was a window display made up of glue skins with layers and textures. There are references to artists she used as well.
Art Diagnostic KS3: yr 7 project on Styles, interpret artists. Gogh, Klimt, Hundertwasser, Ofili

Art Diagnostic KS3: yr 7 project on Styles, interpret artists. Gogh, Klimt, Hundertwasser, Ofili

This is a project where students are asked to choose an artist to study their style. Student’s question and develop an understanding of What is a style? Outcome of this project is that students in year 7 do their own portrait interpretation using the artists and create a mixed media collage based on the selected artist. There is an exploration on using a variety of media. Students develop their own skills exploring how to make their own portrait in the style of the artist. Students use a photocopy of a photograph of themselves to work from. There is an emphasis on experimentation and students can bring in found textures to collage. Students use the four artists to make a copy of the four artists styles in a grid on a page: Hundertwasser, Klimt, Ofili and Van Gogh. TASK 1 The first part of the project is the Artist Research in 4 grids. One for each artist. Students in the grid discuss the characteristics of each artist’s use of line, colour, shape and texture. There is an individual slide on each artist which highlights with close up pictures showing the markmaking of each artist. Teacher to go through each slide of each artist and copy the pictures as an example for students to work from. Students write out the name in each gird, how each artist has a different way of using their marks and then in the grid copies a detail of the artist’s work. This is completed in pencil crayons. Students can also use an object and interpret this in styles - there is an example Students also brainstorm words to describe the artist. Students also describes the use of elements in each work. Students also discuss the main characteristics of the artist and how they have used their line, colour, shape, texture and how the artist has composed the picture (that is, put it together). This should take 2 lessons - with students completing the work for homework TASK 2 Once students have analysed this they can go on to make their own portrait by choosing one of the artists. There are lots of examples of students work in this powerpoint to give examples of how to go about this project. Students to be given a photocopy picture of themselves to work from This should take 3 lessons in class. Objectives: Use of found textures, collage materials and paint to interpret a style looking at the way the student experimented with the use of materials to create the style Explore media creatively when interpreting artist. Develop vocabulary and to understand the different ways of using lines, shapes and colours and students begin to analyse the artworks critically describing each work. To begin to understand that each artist has their own way of interpreting their subject and each person has the own way of making their own style To analyse and interpret four different artist’s styles and begin to make a personal response to one of these artists. To complete a self- portrait in the style of an artist.
Art projects on Self-Identity: Photography, Monoprinting

Art projects on Self-Identity: Photography, Monoprinting

5 Resources
A project with a number of resources on Self-identity to support a portrait project and a digital photo print of a face or a photography outcome. Discussions on Cindy Sherman and Frida Kahlo and what is a stereotype. Also a presentation on how to go about making a portrait drawing .
Art A-level drawing styles- Artist analysis of drawings with task - linked to human form

Art A-level drawing styles- Artist analysis of drawings with task - linked to human form

• Learning Objectives To reflect on examples of copies of drawings of different artists and illustrators and analyse the formal elements: shapes, tone, form, lines, texture, and marks. • To investigate and interpret a variety of selected artists and discuss their sense of style and markmaking • To study drawings with reference to their visual literacy and the formal elements (tone, texture, colour, line, form). • To discover the different mark making skills of a number of different artists. • To research, investigate and develop ideas in a personal way on an A2 sheet. To develop a visual work of practical responses with annotations. In this task students are to analyse the drawing styles of particular artists and begin to interpret these different artist’s styles in drawings of their own. Students use the formal elements to analyse the artists and develop drawings using their own subject as a response with annotations. • Students draw the hand/feet or a subject of their choice in particular signatures of a selection of artists. • To reflect on examples of copies of drawings of different artists and illustrators and analyse the formal elements: shapes, tone, form, lines, texture, and marks. • Try to use different drawing techniques as highlighted by the masters. This is a good start to critical contextual analysis and gets students to look at a number of artists and develops their visual analysis skills . Students to end with an A2 or A1 drawing sheet showing their subject in various styles.
GCSE Art course summary sheet: CRIB sheet 3 pages : Objectives/Writing frames/Evaluation/Composition

GCSE Art course summary sheet: CRIB sheet 3 pages : Objectives/Writing frames/Evaluation/Composition

This is for your Year 10 GCSE group and gives a summary of the GCSE course in two sheets. It is a very helpful sheet summarising each objective and the requirements and the amount of pages that are needed in your sketchbook. There is also the writing framework required for artist analysis - objective one. There is also a brief outline of the principles of design and what students need to look for. Also there are helpful questions to help students evaluate their outcomes. A must for GCSE Art and Design!!
Element Colour 56 slides Activities,  Colour Theory, Colour wheel Terms, VOCAB, KS3-A level

Element Colour 56 slides Activities, Colour Theory, Colour wheel Terms, VOCAB, KS3-A level

Lesson Objective A detailed presentation to understand the theory of colour and this 56 SLIDE PRESENTATION gives a complex set of slides on Colour, Looking at 'What is Colour theory?' AND Colour as light OR COLOUR as pigment and then giving example of sheets to use for a colour wheel. This then goes into detailed descriptions with examples of TERMS: primary, secondary, intermediary, tertiary but also colour VOCABULARY like HUE, TONAL VALUE, CHROMA, INTENSITY, MONOCHROME, ACHROMATIC, NEUTRAL, DEGRADED colours, COMPLEMENTARY colours, ANALOGOUS colours, TEMPERATURE of colour and LOCAL AND REFLECTED and OPTICAL colour. It also then looks at where Colour Theory came from - early examples of colour wheel by Goethe and then JOHANNES ITTEN and his colour theories on how colour creates SPACE and goes through how to use colour by contrasting size, texture and value to create this SPACE. This is for A-level and for Key Stage 3 and 4 to develop an in depth understanding of what is colour. There are tasks to develop in the presentation to develop colour skills. SOME TASKS: Painting a coloured design to a performance, developing colourful paintings to music, developing tonal values and there are sheets to use for a colour wheel study. There is also a reference to the PSYCHOLOGICAL meaning of colour Examples of Colour Theory Terms and artworks that link to the Terms with tasks for students to find different artworks and to analyse and discuss examples of artworks looking at the mood and how colour enhances this. Use this with A-level students to develop their vocabulary and knowledge of theory of art and how colour interacts. This is a good research study for students to add to their sketchbooks.
Art 3D Form: figure sculpture Henri Moore, A Gormley, Jean Arp and Barbara Hepworth with patterns.

Art 3D Form: figure sculpture Henri Moore, A Gormley, Jean Arp and Barbara Hepworth with patterns.

A Key stage 3 project which starts with Figure drawing of class mates - lots of student examples to support and instructions for drawing. Students then look at modern sculptures and uses them to simplify their figures into abstract shapes. There are once more student examples and clear instructions showing how to simplify. It is important to get students to show the simplification of their figure drawing into an abstract shape. Students study 4 different sculptural artists - Further task involves doing an artist study on one of the Sculptors: Henri Moore, Anthony Gormley, Barbara Hepworth and Jean Arp and then students make a moodboard of their work. There are sheets for each sculptor showing some info and pictures of each sculptor. Then there is the making of the sclpture with video clip to explain how to build armature and how to make 3D form using paper mache - there are a lot of good examples of student figures Students then need to build the figure out of cardboard, papier-mâché, wire, straws and recycled objects and to decorate this with coloured paper, tissue paper and any other embellishments like buttons, beads and string. Furthermore there is the embellishment of the sculptures…development of design and pattern by looking at Aboriginal Art, Gustav Klimt, African Art, Beatris Milhaze and students have to choose one of these designs to inspire their figure and begin to decorate their figure. The students then draw out the simplified figure shape with the abstract colourful patterns and present this on a page in their sketchbook. Finally there is the development of this figure into a hanging mobile looking at the work of Alexander Calder and an evaluation.
KS3 William Morris artist study, critical analysis, presenting his style in book

KS3 William Morris artist study, critical analysis, presenting his style in book

This is a project to present the work of William Morris in a sketchbook. focusing on lettering in the Arts and Crafts style, it also shows how to do an artist critical study and can be used at KS3 and GCSE. Success Criteria Make an elaborate heading for William Morris showing his emphasis on NATURE Creatively present the pictures on his work Answer the questions with full sentences describing the characteristics of William Morris. Copy a detail of his work. THE POWERPOINT SHOWS how to make a small frame try to draw an enlarge a part of an image of William Morris, that is, crop a section and draw what you see in a box on your page. (The measurements for the box is 10x12 cm and it can be Portrait or Landscape). The overall objectives are : To understand what the elements of art are: line, shape, colour, texture, space, value and tone. This lesson you will be completing an artist study presentation on the work of William Morris and answering the questions and making a critical analysis of his work. We will be presenting examples of William Morris’s work and making a decorative presentation using the word William Morris for a title and presenting this creatively.
KS3 GCSE Design Art Graphics, positive and negative shapes, notan, Escher, black and white designs

KS3 GCSE Design Art Graphics, positive and negative shapes, notan, Escher, black and white designs

This is a project about design and can be used to gain a deeper understamding how positive and negative shapes work. This is about black and white designs using the Notan technique. This is the balancing of light and dark shapes using a Japanese idea of design. What is Notan? is the first part of poweerpoint where students develop an understanding of how to use light and dark shapes. Activity Objective: To make Notan compositions and learn about balancing light and dark shapes to make a composition. Looking at Design artists who use Notan: Marimeko, Escher, William Morris To understand what is the meaning of ‘NOTAN’ and art terms To develop your own Notan design in your book To understand how various designers use the concept of Notan in their work. Task 1 USING A SQUARE OF COLOURED PAPER or black paper to start 2.DRAW shapes in from the edges of each side of the square. Draw in from edges 3.CUT OUT SHAPES FROM THE EDGES AND PASTE IN A MIRROR REFLECTION Task 2 Try add a second layer of shapes in your design into the mirror reflection and reflect this back into design Watch the video clip from 0.5 - see link in powerpoint Terms in Art to define Symmetrical Asymmetrical Notan Balance Harmony Positive and Negative shapes
GCSE artists - teaching skills through artist studies Developing ideas AO1

GCSE artists - teaching skills through artist studies Developing ideas AO1

17 Resources
A support for teaching GCSE art A number of powerpoints on individual artists to use as part of Developing ideas for Assessment Objective One. Learning skills in Art Acrylic painting with card - Viera Da silva painting layers and using Gold - Victoria Crowe Photocopy drawing with Chila Burman Klimt patterns Transfer medium with Robert Rauschenberg Tim Burton drawings and fantasy art Printing with Angie Mitchell relief prints Figure drawing and simplification using Henry Moore City street painting with Lowry Peter Blake graphic CD cover Photography of Cindy Sherman All of these tasks will build skills for GCSE final project Starting in year 9 and year 10 begire students choose own topic to develop
History of art development of sculpture -figures from Greek to Michelangelo

History of art development of sculpture -figures from Greek to Michelangelo

A history of art powerpoint showing key sculptural examples from the early Paleolithic sculpture to the work of Michelangelo showing all the key developments in form to show more realism. There are lots of notes to provoke discussion in the class on the different sculptures. Various comparative tasks can be given to develop students ability to analyse the sculptural forms. This also tells the story of art and the development of sculptural form in Art and how art develops through the ages from Paleleolithic, Egyptian, Greek - Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic Art and Gothic Art following with Early Renaissance and the work of Donatello to the work of Michelangelo in Late Renaissance. Students learn about key sculptures to develop their knowledge of art and begin to understand how sculptural form developed. There is a beginning of understanding how the first sculpture was a small fertility form - the Venus of Willendorf and how this was used to empower people and how this then develops to capture the emotion and pathos in the work of Mary Magdalene by Donatello. Many comparisons can be drawn and it enables students to see the development of form and so understand the history of art.
Sculpture history of figure and key stage 3 projects

Sculpture history of figure and key stage 3 projects

3 Resources
One deals with making a modern figure sculpture and the other gives you a background to the development if sculpture through the ages. Looking at the development of the figure through the ages from Neolithic to Renaissance art.
Observation drawing lesson; drawing skills, exercises, lines, mark making , to build confidence

Observation drawing lesson; drawing skills, exercises, lines, mark making , to build confidence

This is a very successful drawing lesson to build confidence with drawing. It can be used at any level as skills are on invaluable. It can be stretched over two lessons. I have a shoe box of little ornaments wrapped in fabric and tied up with tape that I use for this lesson and over the years this is one of my favourite lessons. I finally tried to make a powerpoint and hope you enjoy ! There is a drawing starter exercise Then the fun begins Objectives To explore observational drawing techniques: blind drawing and contour drawing To investigate how to capture techniques (markmaking) when drawing To build confidence in capturing a form with line by using different styles when drawing: gestural drawing and pattern drawing To develop a design from observational details There are 17 drawings to make … and each slide gives you the instruction and an example of drawing Resources A3 cartridge sharp 2B pencil small objects to draw wrapped to start oil pastel each Fine-liner each ruler pencil rayons small bit of tracing paper cut in squares ( size of unit for repeat) starting with the following . TOUCH DRAWING Draw through TOUCH ONLY Feel the object under a cloth draw the object – and try to imagine the shape, texture, and form Try to draw and outline only. 2 minutes BLIND DRAWING Draw with CONTINUOUS LINE and BLINDLY 3 min Draw the object and draw blindly. DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PAPER as you draw. Instead imagine your pencil as a contour ( an ant crawling on the object) exploring all the edges, outlines, shapes, textures and details of the object. 2 minutes… Follow the slides There are pictures of student examples. Success criteria The line and markmaking quality is MORE important than accuracy This gives students a realisation that drawing is about lines and marks.
Geometric abstraction and White- ART A-level project showing analysis, exploration and outcome.

Geometric abstraction and White- ART A-level project showing analysis, exploration and outcome.

This is a project for A-level students starting with looking at Geometric Abstraction and the use of the colour ‘White’ in the work of modern abstract artists. This will help students to develop their own personal theme. This is a good starting theme for A-level students or IB students and gives them a process or idea to start with in order to develop their own personal outcome. It gives some examples to prompt the students to start thinking of: What is Abstraction, Conceptual Art, Cubism Abstraction and Geometric Art? Students are asked to research various artists who show Geometric abstraction and ‘white’ from the Islamic artists to Kasimer Malevich (Suprematism), Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian. The project continues giving the A-level students some practical tasks to develop the idea of how to paint a ‘white’ object. There are also examples of some contemporary artists who use geometric abstract shapes and abstraction in nature. Students should be asked to find their own artists they like who use Geometric abstraction and white. Students then explore artists who have used white and look at how they use white in a textural way. Students can look at Robert Rauschenberg. Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth. Students choose one artist and make a booklet exploring their analysis of the artists and the way they use white, but also an experimental booklet showing how to show ‘white’ textual surfaces. Students also take photographs of objects which are ‘white’ to develop further using different media and then subsequently to develop their own final piece based on their own personal research into the subject ’ white’ and ‘geometric abstraction’. Examples of student’s work is given to help students explore various media to develop their own personal ‘white’ outcome. There are also examples of final pieces of A-level students who tried to paint something white showing how they used pastel colours in their finals to develop their outcomes.
Art materials to use at home- recycled materials and examples of different techniques

Art materials to use at home- recycled materials and examples of different techniques

Making something out of the resources you have at home. This gives a visual list of resources you can use at home to draw with, paint with and make 3D forms with. Good for GCSE students and above for they need to explore a number of techniques for assessment objective. There are videos to motivate and to demonstrte and there are examples of different types of art you can do. Think of some ideas for making art out of cardboard, recycled containers, toilet rolls, toilet paper, old books, magazines, old clothes, wool, ear buds, toothpicks, straws, stones/plants. It also suggests you could also on your phone make a piece of artwork using a photo and an app or draw on your phone. This is to inspire and students to decide what you are going to make…….
Art Photography GCSE and A-level - theme Decay: support with skills to use on Adobe Photoshop

Art Photography GCSE and A-level - theme Decay: support with skills to use on Adobe Photoshop

In this powerpoint there are key objectives: To use photographs of your school building and change them to emulate artists/photographers who show decay. To learn how to crinkle the picture up to show paper creases To blend in pictures of decay and textures into a school building photograph in the style of the artist. There is a clear definition for decay and students can use this to start there project. There are slides of a number of photographers to use for this theme and then examples of how to use Adobe Photoshop with steps to show progress in building your own outcome. The photographers are Cedric Wilson, Serj Fedulov, Paul Stokinger,Stikki Peaches, Martino Zegwaard and Armita Raafat. Students can use these photographers and there are steps to show how to achieve these effects on Adobe photoshop used by the photographers There is also a clear example on how to do an analysis of a photographer in your sketchbook To start with there is a recap on composition - how to take a photo and a reminder of the 4 Key objectives used in Photography and an explanation of what key objectives this meets. This powerpoint focuses on the assessment objective 'Develop ideas" from photographers and then how to " Explore" Adobe photoshop techniques to develop your Decay theme.
The Art Element Shape: Activities starters, tasks for ideas, develop understanding of basic element.

The Art Element Shape: Activities starters, tasks for ideas, develop understanding of basic element.

Exercises, activities to develop an understanding of shape and a wide variety of tasks to experiment with the dynamics of shape. Looking at energy points, different typeface shapes, negative and positive shapes, symmetry patterns, repeat patterns, NOTAN, designing with geometric and organic shapes, drawing shapes to different smells, using music to capture shapes, looking at the meaning of words to capture shapes and the play with tangram shapes. This can be used with A-level students to inspire, GCSE students for starters and Key Stage 3 to develop a foundation knowledge of the basic element ‘shape’. There are also a number of different artists like David Bomberg, Joan Miro, Stuart Davis, Escher, Lisa Milroy and Henri Matisse - artists who use a simplified shape in their work and students can interpret there own ideas from these artists. There are lots of exercises and different tasks to experiment with shapes.